Take Down Service


Old information on the Internet? Google showing up with outdated, faulty details? Privacy concerns?

If you are the owner of information published on this site and you believe that either The Right to Be Forgotten or the right to control the correct contact information published for your business applies to this site, please contact us?

On ZABiz.co.za

If you do happen to stumble over wrong info, please contact us to fix it! FixIt@zabiz.co.za

On other sizes

For information located on other sites:
(a) To have information taken down on another site, please contact the site administrator of the other site, put “TAKE DOWN REQUEST” in the subject line and give them as much detail as possible.
(b) To have information taken down from general Google searches or from uncooperative sites, please contact Google, who will deal directly with your request.

Use the subject line TAKE DOWN REQUEST and make it clear that you are the owner of the data and why it should be taken down.

Please see these links:

Contact a site’s webmaster

Removing Content From Google

