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Advertise Me!


Powered by Google

Place a Google Maps powered advertisement on the Internet!

Let Google Find you!

You need to be available on a Google Search, on a Google Map and above all, in GPS friendly format. How will customers get to you, if they can not find you?

Geo Location Relevant

A Map enabled link to your business makes it so much easier to locate you. Find content near you!

Social Awareness

At ZABiz we are aware that healthy communities require re-investment.  That is why we offer a promotional scheme to educational institutions where a business owner can nominate a specific school as a beneficiary.  The beneficiary will then receive a portion of the money charged by ZABiz as a payment.  Responsible advertising at its best! Contact ZABiz to register a promo code to benefit your school!

Already have a website?

It is not enough to have a website, you also need to make sure that Google can find you. That is exactly what ZABiz.co.za aims to accomplish. We will place you on a Google Map, and your content will be listed on Google searches. Our advertisement will also link to to your existing home page, driving traffic where you want it!

Wide Reach

We also promote your advertisement to other platforms, which means that your exposure is much greater than the reach of a normal website, a business card or even a mailing list.

Advertise Today, Do Not Delay!

Every moment a new advertiser establishes a web presence, they get precedence on a Google Search. Serious about your business, you can not afford to delay.


Starting from as little as R83.00 per month you too can have a well defined Internet presence that shows up on Google!

Please complete our Registration form and return. We will contact you with all the necessary additional information.

Click here to download the AdvertiseMe form.